I'll go with you
On Your Healing Journey
Thank you for your interest in working together. Below, you will learn more about what I offer, and together, we will journey to your wholeness in a way that speaks to your spirit and is unique to you.

Ariela's Story
My journey has been a homecoming.
Since I was a little girl, I have always searched for home. For light. For sisterhood. I also yearned for a place inside myself, a nest to hold me and my connection with Spirit, no matter where I was or what I was going through.
Along the way, I rediscovered how, as a child, I felt at home in nature. Outside with the dirt, the animals, the rocks, the sky and stars, and the trees, my soul whispers, “This is the place I belong.”
I discovered another home in Kabbalah (the mystical tradition of Judaism). At one point, my husband and I packed up our four children and moved to live in the mountains of Israel for three years. My homecoming unfolded in the discovery of shamanism, yoga, and Reiki, among other practices, which I studied after attaining my master’s degree in Social Work.
I’ve come to believe that Mama Earth holds us all, and she has been tenderly and patiently holding onto parts of ourselves when we could not. Once we’ve reconnected our roots with hers and begin to nourish them, she returns these pieces into our care, close to our own hearts. From this place of remembering and wholeness, we connect with Spirit and rise.
Learn About My Methods.
Root Down Into
Ancestral and Past Life Healing
Embark on a sacred journey of ancestral healing. Within the realm of your ancestry, lies the key to unlocking your wisdom and divine purpose. By forging an unbreakable bond with your ancient ancestral medicine guides, the wounds of the past transmute into the wisdom of the present. Embrace the magic of ancestral healing and unlock the secrets of your divine purpose.
Ancestral and Past Life Healing

Embark on a sacred journey of ancestral healing. Within the realm of your ancestry, lies the key to unlocking your wisdom and divine purpose. By forging an unbreakable bond with your ancient ancestral medicine guides, the wounds of the past transmute into the wisdom of the present. Embrace the magic of ancestral healing and unlock the secrets of your divine purpose.
Discover The Joy of
Divine Communication™
Experience a cosmic upgrade as we boost your energy to new heights, unlocking the ultimate healing power of the Universe. Reconnect with your true nature, the natural world, and the source of all creation to help you remember that you are already whole. From this place, we realign every inch of your being with Source energy and unlock the true potential of a personal bond with Spirit. The result? A daily life that’s nothing short of a paradise on earth!
Divine Communication™

Working within the infinite field of possibility where quantum healing and alchemy can occur. we are working beyond Newtonian physics and what the conscious mind can grasp. This is where true miracles can occur. This is where I help you Communicate With Spirit. We all have the ability to connect and create a real two way, sacred communication with Spirit and the unseen world, to receive guidance to live your best life and best version of yourself. From this place, we realign every inch of your being with Source energy and unlock the true potential of a personal bond with Spirit. The result? A daily life that’s nothing short of a paradise on earth!
Release Your SPIRIT through
Guided Energy Medicine™ Alignment
Guided Energy Medicine™ is quantum transformational healing and spiritual counseling that harnesses a powerful frequency that offers physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. This is an incredibly transformative path of awakening. This energy medicine practice works within the energy field surrounding our body and holds the imprints, traumas, programming, and conditioning of our past and our ancestral timelines. Brace yourself for a blossoming transformation, growth, alchemy, and miracles!
Open Up Your VISION with
Shamanic Journeying
Guided Energy Medicine™ Alignment

Guided Energy Medicine™ is quantum transformational healing and spiritual counseling that harnesses a powerful frequency that offers physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. This is an incredibly transformative path of awakening. This energy medicine practice works within the energy field surrounding our body and holds the imprints, traumas, programming, and conditioning of our past and our ancestral timelines. Brace yourself for a blossoming transformation, growth, alchemy, and miracles!
Shamanic Journeying

Prepare to embark on an enchanted journey as we delve into the mystical world of Shamanic journeying. This captivating practice allows you to tap into your innermost wisdom and connect with the divine. Explore the unseen realm and tune into your spiritual guides, angels, and Spirit, so you can receive the guidance and alignment you need to thrive in life. By tapping into the quantum field, you’ll discover a whole new level of insight and growth, leading you to live your best life on this wondrous planet.
Here's how we can work together.

Let’s explore together
I convene donation-based, in-person women’s circles with a collective intention to connect with Spirit and one another as we step into all that we are. If you’re called to sisterhood, we’d love to have you.

Walk with us
I gather virtually with a small circle of women on the first Monday of the month to explore our roots, emotions, inherited beliefs, and divine wisdom. The cost is just $44/month – would you like to join?

I'll go with you
There are times when working one-on-one is what feels right. I work with women individually for several months at a time. Here’s how we’ll work together on your journey of healing and wholeness.
Let’s Connect
Thank you for your interest in working together.
Please provide your contact information, along with answering a few questions below. I do my best to reply within 2 business days, via email.