How to Step Into Your Intuitive Gifts

Recently, I have felt more alive and more exhausted than ever before. You would think feeling alive had nothing to do with feeling exhausted! I wish that were the case! However, what I have been intuiting is that I am going through some big changes, awakenings, and powerful shifts that require a lot of restructuring of my nervous system.
Anyone else feel this pull towards exhaustion and aliveness all at the same time?
This is, in fact, the time of the Wild Woman: reclaiming your voice, your intuition, your sacred gifts, and the Sacred Center that has always been there but is no longer in hiding. This is a time to step into your power, from a place of love and full responsibility for all of you.
This is a time to honor your gifts, trust your intuition, and love in a much deeper way.
Now is the time to confidently embody your voice, your inner healer, and the magic of your lineage.
When we step into our gifts, we emerge with a deep sense of self-worth and self-trust — and a profound connection to our true self, our intuition, and our ancestors.
But how do we begin? How can we step into sovereignty when we are so exhausted we want to pull the covers over our heads and sleep?
Well, first off, sleep. It does a body and a nervous system good!
And, secondly, trust…
Trust is one of the main building blocks of stepping into our intuitive gifts.
Trust is a choice.
Can you trust yourself to know what to do in difficult situations? Can you trust in what’s right for you, and what’s not? Can you trust yourself to make wise and accurate decisions?
If we want to trust in Spirit and grow our intuition, we must start with a deep sense of trust in ourselves and our bodies. When we start at this foundational step, we can watch our intuition and spiritual gifts thrive and blossom.
But we must water the roots of our foundation to see the flowers of intuition grow. One way to do this is to tend to our emotions by giving ourselves space to feel them fully. This feels solid and strong in our bodies. Then we can move into the energy of trust without fear and constantly questioning ourselves many times over.
Trust allows us to be in the moment, let go of the future and the past, and take in the entirety of each experience.
Trust allows us to not be afraid or overwhelmed and to live in the real world and really be in it.
The next step is to trust the guidance you receive daily. Yes, you!
The majority of the clients and groups I teach say they doubt they are even receiving messages from Spirit and their loved ones from the other side, and they doubt they have the ability to feel these messages.
How do we trust in signs and synchronicities, in a world that teaches us that if you can’t see energy, it doesn’t exist?
But energy is everywhere, and the veil is extremely thin these days, which allows Spirit, our guides, and our loved ones to visit and flow with us often.
So, what if you trusted in the signs you are receiving?
What if you surrender and let go of doubt and old, outdated beliefs of mistrust that really don’t serve you and only make you miserable?
Trust that you are magical, wild, sovereign, a seer of the invisible.
Trust is an amazing vehicle of transformation because when we choose to trust (because it is a choice), it allows our energy to grow, the signs to increase, and the intuitive muscle to get bigger and stronger.
I love guiding women to start small and grow their trust. Start trusting your body and the way it works. See that you belong here now, in these times, and trust that you are meant to make big shifts in your world. You are meant to be a light in this world. Then shift to the invisible energy, the unseen. Begin to open to the energy you can’t see with the naked eye, and start to trust and affirm that trust is a basis of power.
There is a gateway that we cannot pass through without trust. Fear often blocks trust in ourselves and the unseen energy. Fear is not rational, and yet we often trust fear more than our intuition because we have been taught to do so.
Before you allow fear to overcome you, breathe in and say:
“I trust. I trust my body. I trust myself. I trust Spirit. I trust my intuition. I trust I am receiving the guidance that I so need at this time to shift into my Wild Woman, powerful self.”
Trust: You are a powerful, intuitive, strong woman. Your intuitive gifts are waiting for you to open to the invisible, unseen energy that surrounds you, and loves you.
Join us for the Healing Circle on November 7, 2022 at 6pm MT time on Zoom. We will dive into the steps to grow your intuitive gifts and more! Bring your questions for intuitive guidance!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.