The Sacred Marriage of the Body, Soul, and Spirit
Dear Friends,
There is a new type of healer coming. She is authentic. She is real. She is ready to shine her essence and stop hiding in the background of old beliefs and ancestral wounds. She is YOU. She is me. And she is ready. The path to YOU is the path of the embodied spirit.
All summer, I have been going through a massive awakening and honestly struggling to find my root. We moved homes three weeks ago, but it feels like it was so much more than that. I initiated this move based on guidance from my spiritual intuition, believing it was the best decision for my family. This was a good lesson in taking a leap of faith and trusting my inner voice, which always guides me in the right direction!
The month of September is filled with sacred messages of softening into our bodies and seeping into our root. It’s a month of returning to and nurturing ourselves as the weather starts to shift and our internal organs call us to our truth. The energy calls us to marry our soul, our bodies, and Spirit together to fully express ourselves.
This sacred marriage is always meaningful, but especially so during September, which is known in mysticism as the time when Spirit comes close and whispers into our ears, “I love you. I am here.”
Join me and beautiful, sacred sisters in community on Sept 2, 2024 at the Healing Circle to explore the energy of the month and the sacredness of this marriage of body, soul, and Spirit.
Sending Love,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...